One Festival of Homeless Arts
Written by: Yasmine Toure One night, I was laying in my bed and started thinking about how Arts helped the homeless. Arts is a field that...

Children Experiencing Homelessness Face Malnutrition and Cognitive Impairment
Written By: Ashley Stalnecker Picture a typical class of 30 students in an Elementary School. Now, imagine that one of those students is...

What Effects World Wide Hunger?
By: Ava Framm Hunger is not something that just affects Americans; it is a global issue that, despite numbers dropping within the last...

Giving Like a Billionaire
Written By: Karah Lindsey Billionaires are often featured in the news for their gigantic donations. People watch and read with...

Homelessness During This Pandemic, What is Being Done?
Blog by: Layla Nahavandi The lives of homeless people are no less important than the well-endowed, but are their lives being protected as...

Help for Homeless Who Live in Broward County, Florida
Blog by: Yasmine Toure You live in Broward County in Fort Lauderdale, FL and need physical or financial assistance? This article is for...

We Shouldn’t Judge People Who Have Been In Prison
Written By: Katherine Brown *Note: this article is not referring to sex offenders, murderers, or domestic violence inmates Do you...

The War on Homelessness:
How the Stigma of Illegal Substance Abuse Negatively Impacts Homeless People By: Ava Framm Mental illness, substance abuse, and...

Incarceration and Homelessness: A Vicious Cycle
Andrew Stahl Known to some as the “jail to homelessness pipeline,” formerly incarcerated individuals continue to struggle to secure...

LGBTQ+ and Homeless: A Growing Correlation
By Preston Saunders The LGBTQ+ community is well-known for their dedication and support for one another, achieving multiple milestones in...