Homeless Americans are Growing, with Population and Age
Homelessness is rapidly changing- into a group rather heartbreaking. The elderly has to deal with day-to-day struggles like dementia,...
Sexual Abuse Among Incest
Incest is usually referred to as sexual contact among family members. If you want me to use an appropriate, more sophisticated definition...
Dissipating the Ignorance Surrounding the American Hunger Epidemic
Imagine waking up in the morning in a soft bed, your body rested, and your stomach devoid of the pangs of insatiable hunger. Imagine...
The Dragon Behind Closed Doors
G.K. Chesterton wrote, “Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell...
Human Trafficking
Today, 30 million people live as slaves. More than 24 million people are subject to sexual exploitation across the globe. A large...
Cudas Unhooked The Bridge to Success
“Cudas Unhooked” is a program that has been implemented in the local high school of my own home town. I am a proud alumnus of this...
The Summer Surge
Though the specifics vary from community to community, most cities across the country face what is known as the “summer surge”, where the...
For the Homeless, Disability is a Life Sentence, Not a Lazy Excuse
According to the National Coalition for Homelessness, of the 564,708 people who are homeless in the United States, 47.6%, or 269,991, are...
How Does Mental Illness Relate to Homelessness?
Homelessness is a prevalent issue in American society, and as much as some government officials attempt to divert attention from it by...
Cyberbullying and Harassment
What is the impact of cyberbullying on the youth? Cyberbullying can be described as a use of internet or any other ...