Donate to Dorian Relief
Everybody's story is different, and all of us are facing different battles across the globe every day. At Ts 4 Hope, we understand that there is a worldwide epidemic of homelessness. And right now, tens of thousands in the Bahamas have lost their homes due to the devastation of Hurricane Dorian.
Over 1,000 people from the Bahamas are still missing and unaccounted for. Rescue crews are working constantly to recover both the living and dead. Ships are taking supplies and emergency supplies down there, as well as healthcare workers that are helping to care for those who have been affected.
Hurricane Dorian began on August 22nd and ended officially on September 8th. But many people in the Bahamas are still now uncertain about their futures. Many homes and places of work have been completely destroyed beyond repair. Thousands have come to the United States on boats in order to find a safe place to stay. But even so, many of these same people are unsure of what to do over the long-term.
Besides being in need of emergency short-term and long-term shelter, many Bahamians are also in need of first aid supplies, clean water, food, basic hygiene, and other services that they cannot currently afford. Many of the affected in the Bahamas do not even have access to a phone to contact their loved ones or emergency services.
If you are able to, you are highly encouraged to donate blood, money, and emergency supplies through the Red Cross.
Please visit the Red Cross' website to find out more about how you can help: