Being an Extrovert in a Time of Isolation
By Alexandra Howe

During this time of great upheaval: Covid-19, race riots, curfews and extensions of stay
at home orders have the intention of helping the greater good of society but what happens to
the people on an individual level? For many, this time means total isolation from the people
they care about most. For some, isolation does not mean anything significantly different than
their normal lives perhaps because they truly enjoy the prospect of alone time. For so many
others the lack of social interaction means an inevitable road to an uncontrollable sadness.
As an extrovert by nature isolation means there is very little potential to derive energy
from friends, family and day to day interactions. For people who are unfamiliar with the feeling
of deep loneliness, I would equate the feeling to the emptiness that comes with a loss of a job
or a breakup with a significant other; sometimes the only solution is to spontaneously burst
into tears because there is truly no way to remedy the sensation of being alone in this
uncharted territory.
As the concern over peoples physical health begins to wane the concern about peoples
mental health begins to wax. Individuals who have suffered from deep loneliness will not be
able to instantaneously bounce back. In the same way that health care and support for people
suffering during the pandemic needed to adapt to the times, access to mental health resources
following this pandemic need to be adapted for the changing tides of social interactions.