5 Organizations Fighting Against Hunger
Food insecurity is a massive problem that affects so many people in the United States, and charities play an important role in trying to eliminate that issue. Whether you are looking for a place to volunteer or donate, here are five non-profits, in no particular order, dedicated to solving hunger.
1. AARP Foundations
Every day in the United States more than 10 million adults over the age 50 are at risk of hunger, and as a result of food insecurities, 60 percent of elderly people can become depressed. The American Associations of Retired Persons (AARP) and their non-profit organization, the AARP Foundation, team up with state officials, community partners and volunteers to help seniors establish healthy eating habits, teach skills needed to earn a job, conduct research on the causes and effects of hunger among the elderly and create solutions for food insecurities. In 2011, the AARP Foundation launched their Drive to End Hunger program, and since its creation, they have provided 22.9 million meals to those in need through the help of donation and volunteers.
2. Feeding America
Feeding America is one the largest hunger relief networks in the nation, and the organization has more than 200 food banks across the United States which means there are many locations where you can volunteer. Through their soap kitchens, after-school programs, food pantries, they serve around 37 million people nationwide. But they are not just giving out meals; in fact, 80 percent of their food banks provide nutrition education, and the non-profit also works to inform the public about the issue of hunger and advocates for legislations that help those in need. With their many outreach programs, in 2017, Forbes named Feeding America as the third largest charity in the United States.
3. Meals on Wheels
Meals On Wheels uses two approaches, home delivery for homebound elderly and disabled adults and meals distribution in community centers, to bring meals to 2.4 million seniors every year. The home visit made by volunteers provides a safety check for seniors, half of who are over the age of 60 and cannot cook or shop for food, and helps deal with the issues that come with aging such as isolation, hunger and loss of independence. 90% of the clients served say that Meals on Wheels visits makes them feel more secure.
4. Share Our Strength
Share Our Strength is another organization that focuses on bring food to families in need, and the non-profit works to establish programs that will solve the issue of hunger in the United States. Through their No Kid Hungry program, they provide meals for kids after school as well as during the summer and help parents learn to budget, read food labels and cook affordable and nutritious meals. Share Our Strength also started a separate organization, Community Wealth Partners, with the goal of helping other charities fight against hunger and poverty.
5. Mazon
Not only does this organization works alongside state officials and community partners to build and protect nutrition programs, but Mazon also advocates for laws that eliminate the cause of food insecurity and poverty. Similar to Share Our Strength, the charity helps train and fund other non-profit organizations and advocacy groups who are also dedicated to ending hunger in the United States.
There are so many organizations in the United States who have the mission of ending hunger, and whether it be the charities listed above or others you have researched, it is important that we lend a helping hand when we can. Your efforts can make an enormous impact in your community and will bring us one step closer to fixing the problem of hunger.
Charity Websites/References:
“The 100 Largest U.S. Charities.” Forbes, www.forbes.com/top-charities/list/.
AARP Foundation: https://www.aarp.org/aarp-foundation/https://endseniorhunger.aarp.org/
Feeding America: https://secure.feedingamerica.org/site/Donation2?df_id=21340&21340.donation=form1&s_src=Y18XG1G1X&s_subsrc=c&s_keyword=national%20food%20pantry&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvLLZBRDrARIsADU6ojDMSVaUO6KIx_j5CA3L9g3qJdygrK_xgnKoCYic5FHTU7N8wvFU5ZAaAkVtEALw_wcB
Share Our Strength: https://www.shareourstrength.org/
Meals on Wheels: https://www.mealsonwheelsamerica.org/theissue/problemandsolution
Mazon: https://mazon.org/what-we-do