West Virginia
Roark Sullivan Lifeway Center
Roark Sullivan Lifeway Center is a place for those who are seeking shelters. This place is the best for homeless people since they have free necessities for them. (304) 340-3581
Sojourners is a nonprofit organization that helps homeless people find shelter. (304) 340-3562
Covenant House Inc
Covenant House Inc is a place for people to find shelter. They provide showers, hot meals and blankets for them. (304) 344-0530
Davis Child Shelter
Davis Child Shelter is a place for runaway children or families to find a warm place to stay. They also give out supplies to those who need it. (304) 345-3891
Food Distribution Center - Covenant House- First Presbyterian Church
Food Distribution Center - Covenant House- First Presbyterian Church is a place where people who are hungry can get food for free. 304-344-8053
Manna Meal
Manna Meal is a place where individuals can find free food. Their goal is to end world hunger bit by bit. (304) 345-7121
Oakwood Terrace Apartments
Oakwood Terrace Apartments is a place where people of Charleston can find apartments for a lower price. They base the rent to pay off individuals' income. (304) 343-5679
Southmoor Apartments
Southmoor Apartments is a place for individuals to find apartments for a lower price. Their pay is based on each household’s income. (304) 768-9721
West Virginia Department of Veterans Assistance
West Virginia Department of Veterans Assistance is a place for veterans to seek for services. They provide services such as proper burials, therapy and education. (304) 746-4497
American Legion
American Legion is a place where veterans can find help. They provide services such as therapy and disability. (304) 342-5228
Bartlett House Inc.
The Bartlett House Inc. helps individuals by helping them find shelters. They provide homeless people with supplies and warm homes. (304) 292-0101
Friendship House- Milan Puskar Health Right
The Friendship House- Milan Puskar Health Right provides services for homeless people with shelters. Blankets, clothing and warm meals are also included. (304) 292-8234
Scott Place Shelter
Scott Place Shelter is a place where homeless people can find shelters and warm food on their tables. (304) 366-6543
Catholic Charities WV
Catholic Charities WV is a place where homeless people can find shelters. They provide showers, clothing and food. (304) 292-6597
Food Distribution Center - Morgantown Community Kitchen - Trinity Episcopal Church
Food Distribution Center - Morgantown Community Kitchen - Trinity Episcopal Church is a food bank where individuals can grab food for free. (304) 241-5111
Christian Help
Christian Help is a church that helps with shelter and food banks. Anyone can come here if they need resources. (304) 296-0221
Morgantown Vet Center
Morgantown Vet Center is a place where veterans can find services such as therapy and proper burials. They also have benefits to help them. (304) 291-4303
Morgantown Housing Authority
Morgantown Housing Authority helps low income individuals find a home with a cheaper price. (304) 296-2948
Morgantown Unity Manor
Morgantown Unity Manor is a place where individuals and families can live with a lower price. Their rent is based on people’s wages which makes it more affordable. (304) 296-5519
Marjorie Gardens
Marjorie Gardens is affordable housing where families and individuals can live. (304) 292-6418
Huntington City Mission
Huntington City Mission gives shelter and food to those who need it. They are also open 24 hours to help others. (304) 523-0293
Homeless Veterans Resource Center
Homeless Veterans Resource Center helps homeless people with shelter and supplies. (304) 529-9142
United Way of the River Cities
United Way of the River Cities is a social service where they provide services such as help for finance and are a guidance to those who need financial resources. (304) 523-8929
Harmony House
Harmony House is an organization seeking to end homelessness in the Huntington area through permanent housing and supportive service programs. (304) 523-2764
HER Place Women's Addictions Recovery Outreach Center
HER Place Women's Addictions Recovery Outreach Center is a place where women can seek for help from their addictions. (304) 525-7394
Facing Hunger
Facing Hunger is a place where hungry individuals or families can get food for free on their tables. (304) 523-6029
Huntington West Virginia Housing Authority
Huntington West Virginia Housing Authority offers to help with finding affordable homes for people with low income. (304) 526-4437
Highlawn Place
Highlawn Place is a place where seniors who are 62 and older can live. They are affordable for low income people as well. (304) 529-6251
Huntington Vet Center
Huntington Vet Center is an organization where veterans can find services to help them. They provide services such as therapy and education for them. (304) 523-8387
Hershel "Woody" Williams VA Medical Center
Hershel "Woody" Williams VA Medical Center is a center where veterans can seek help. They offer services such as health insurance or therapy. (304) 429-6741
Greater Wheeling Coalition for the Homeless
Greater Wheeling Coalition for the Homeless is a place where homeless people can find shelters and supplies for their well being. (304) 232-6105
Salvation Army Church
Salvation Army Church helps homeless individuals and families with shelters. They also provide many other services such as mental health and abuse. (304) 233-4413
Young Women's Christian Associates
The Young Women's Christian Associates helps women from drug abuse. They offer therapy and mental help. (304) 232-0511
Samaritan House
The Samaritan House helps young adults to find a better future. They offer therapy and counseling for those who are in need. (304) 233-9627
House of the Carpenter
House of the Carpenter is a food bank that offers hungry people food for free. They also give out clothing and other necessities as well. (304) 233-4640
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Center
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Center is a food bank that serves food for those who are hungry and cannot afford food. (304) 232-7157
Veterans Affairs
Veterans Affairs helps veterans with services such as veteran benefits and therapy. (304) 238-1085
Warwood Veterans Association
Warwood Veterans Association is an organization where veterans can join clubs and meetings to socialize with others more. This organization is to help veterans feel less lonely and participate more. (304) 277-2250
Housing Authority of Wheeling
Housing Authority of Wheeling is a social service that helps low income individuals find housing at a lower price. (304) 242-4447
North Park Apartments
North Park Apartments is a place for low income people to find housing easily. They base the rent pay on an individual's monthly revenue. (304) 232-2880
Martinsburg Union Rescue Mission
Martinsburg Union Rescue Mission is a place where homeless people can find shelter. (304) 263-6901
Community Network Inc.
Community Network Inc. is a social service that helps families and individuals find shelter if they are homeless. (304) 263-6614
Eastern Panhandle Empowerment Center
Eastern Panhandle Empowerment Center is a place where people can seek help especially if they are abused by drugs. They offer therapy and counseling to help. (304) 263-8292
Loaves And Fishes Food Pantry
Loaves And Fishes Food Pantry is a food bank that serves hungry people who cannot afford food on their tables. Their goal is to end world hunger. (304) 267-2810
Food Distribution Center - FBC Food Pantry
Food Distribution Center - FBC Food Pantry is a place where hungry individuals and families can get hot meals for free. (304) 283-0800
Berkeley County CCAP
Berkeley County CCAP helps people with rent and food. They have food banks and offer therapy to help. (304) 263-3940
Veterans Affairs Vet Center
Veterans Affairs Vet Center helps veterans with services such as therapy and counseling. They also can collect their benefits here. (304) 263-6776
Martinsburg VA Medical Center
Martinsburg VA Medical Center is a center where veterans can seek help. They offer benefits and therapy for veterans as well as insurance. (304) 263-0811
Senior Towers
Senior Towers is a place for seniors to live at with a lower price. They base their rent on an individual's wages. (304) 263-0158
City-Martinsburg Housing Authority
City-Martinsburg Housing Authority helps individuals and families find houses at a lower price. (304) 263-8891