The Incompetent Twins
There's a red flag to be waived in this country, and it's in regard to drug abuse & homelessness.
It's clear this system benefits off of the labor of prisoners, and the greedy pipeline's in the
medical field. They've created a new bucket, and its mishandling funds that should be helping
homeless victims going through drug abuse issues. The homeless in this situation are mentally
broken, being hooked on any drug that disables you to position yourself to earn a sufficient
income while maintaining your standard of living is a sign of incompetence. On the other hand
we see some state officials receiving funds for homeless programs but are handling distribution
poorly, while pocketing what's leftover, this is the second twin of incompetence I feel, due to the
fact that they haven't shown they are able to successfully open rehabilitation programs for
homeless citizens dealing with drug abuse is pathetic on any & every level you can fathom,
We should keep some words of wisdom for those dealing with these issues, and keep our
binoculars on officials claiming they care, all the while with no action in effect to validate their
Peace, Love & T's 4 Hope to All.
Written by: Kiid Ink