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Forum Posts

Alli Armijo
Oct 14, 2018
In Tell Us
This article tackles the difficult issue that is Felons in Homelessness. It goes into depth on the detrimental causes of the "never-ending circle" that is felony and homelessness. I also delve into the many barriers facing felons living on the streets and how these inhibit future opportunities. Please leave feedback to let me know how I am portraying the issue.
Alli Armijo
Sep 23, 2018
In Tell Us
Volunteering at soup kitchens is not only a way to build morale and contribute to society, it is also a way to connect with the less fortunate and lend a hand to the community. However, volunteering is not a one-day task. Instead of volunteering during the holidays, corporations and pantries recommend volunteers to help at times other than the holidays. With an influx of volunteers during the holidays, that leaves a dearth of participation during the rest of the year. Read my article titled: "Soup Kitchens and Pantries: Not Just a Way to Volunteer During the Holidays" and let me know what you think! 📷
Alli Armijo
Sep 14, 2018
In Tell Us
This article delves into the importance of art in everyday curriculum and how art classes can positively benefit students. Additionally, there is evidence supporting how the arts can build the foundation for necessary soft skills in the work place and can many other necessary character traits. Make sure to offer feedback on my article. Any and all comments welcome! Article:
Alli Armijo
Sep 08, 2018
In Tell Us
Although the LGBTQ community is celebrated in many places, discrimination acts as a catalyst for poor mental health and unwavering intellectual stability. This discrimination is frequently found in the workplace, leading to unequal job opportunities which in turn lead to increased homeless rates for the LGBTQ community. LINK: Lastly, please provide any and all feedback towards the subject itself or the way it is portrayed through my writing style. I would love to hear your thoughts!

Alli Armijo

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